Shipping to the USA
Please note that additional costs will be incurred upon receipt of our goods:
Import duties:
The amount of customs duties depends on the value of the goods and the product category. Example: For items such as cotton sweat blankets, the customs duty is approximately 8.4% of the declared value of the goods including shipping costs. -
Import sales tax (sales tax):
This varies depending on the US state. The tax is levied on the total value of the goods including shipping costs. -
Customs processing fees:
According to our research, DHL currently charges:- Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF): between $2 and $500 (depending on the value of the goods).
- Processing fees: may apply additionally.
As the recipient, you are responsible for paying all duties, taxes, and fees incurred upon import into the United States.
We operate as a small business according to German tax law (Section 19, Paragraph 1 of the German VAT Act). Therefore, we do not show German VAT (19%) on our invoices. For you as a customer from the USA, this means that our items are invoiced net.