Die Geschichte der Wolle im Reitsport: Tradition trifft Moderne
Catherine Sack

In this blog post, we explore the long history of wool in equestrian sports, its unique benefits such as heat regulation and breathability, and its modern application at Chevaux Nature....


Das richtige Reitsportzubehör: Essentiell für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden deines Pferdes
Gesundheit Nackenband Pferdedecke

The right equestrian accessories: essential for the health and well-being of your horse

By Catherine Sack

In this blog post, you will learn why choosing the right horse blankets and accessories is crucial for your horse's health. Poorly fitting blankets can...

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Die Bedeutung von Lanolin für die Pflege von Wolle im Reitsport
CHVXN Lanolin Pflege Wolle

The importance of lanolin for the care of wool in equestrian sports

By Catherine Sack

Wool is ideal for protecting horses from wetness and cold, but regular care with lanolin is crucial to maintaining its water-repellent and skin-friendly properties. In...

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Warum sich Polyesterdecken statisch aufladen und natürliche Materialien die bessere Wahl sind
Aufladung Feuchtigkeit Polyester

Why polyester blankets become statically charged and natural materials are the better choice

By Catherine Sack

This blog post explains why synthetic materials like polyester often become statically charged and natural materials like wool and cotton do not. We shed light...

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Warum der Widerrist beim Reiten frei sein muss – und wie die richtige Sattelunterlage dabei hilft
Schabracke Widerristfreiheit Wolle

Why the withers must be free when riding – and how the right saddle pad helps

By Catherine Sack

Saddle pads made of wool with a wither cutout offer optimal protection for the horse's sensitive withers. They prevent pressure points, promote freedom of movement...

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Schafe auf regnerischer Straße
CHVXN Feuchtigkeit Reitsport Wolle

Why wool absorbs horse sweat but lets rain roll off

By Catherine Sack

Discover why wool is the ideal material for horse blankets. Thanks to its unique structure, it allows rain to bead off while absorbing sweat in...

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Polyester im Pferdestall: Warum natürliche Materialien die bessere Wahl sind
Naturfasern Pferdestall Reitsport

Polyester in the horse stable: Why natural materials are the better choice

By Catherine Sack

In equestrian sports, the choice of materials is crucial for the well-being of the horses. In this article, we explain why polyester should be avoided...

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Schafwolle im Reitsport: Natürlicher Komfort und Schutz für Pferd und Reiter
CHVXN Naturfasern Reitsport Wolle

Sheep's wool in equestrian sports: natural comfort and protection for horse and rider

By Catherine Sack

Sheep's wool is indispensable in equestrian sports. In this article, we will highlight its unique advantages: from preventing pressure and chafing to excellent temperature and...

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Baumwolle im Reitsport: Natürlichkeit, Komfort und Nachhaltigkeit für Reiter und Pferd
Baumwolle Nachhaltigkeit Reitsport

Cotton in equestrian sports: naturalness, comfort and sustainability for rider and horse

By Catherine Sack

Cotton is a versatile and widely used material that also plays an important role in equestrian sports. Its popularity is based on a combination of...

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