CHVX*N Sample Box
Discover the variety of our Chevaux Nature fabrics and colors in your own home! The complete CHVX*N Color Collection including fabric samples and edgings conveniently delivered to your home. The best way to be inspired - if you want - by more than 70 colors, to hold our fabrics in your hands, to feel the different feel in direct comparison and to put together the most beautiful blanket for you and a horse yourself. 100% natural fiber.
Each sample box contains the following fabric and color samples:
- CHVX*N fly sheet 100% cotton in natural white
- CHVX*N stable blanket 100% cotton in natural white
- CHVX*N Sweat and kidney blanket, saddle pad 100% wool in grey
- CHVX*N Sweat Blanket 100% Organic Cotton in Anthracite
- CHVX*N Sweat Blanket Merino Wool in Black
In addition to the basic equipment in our sample box, you can also order individual items or our entire colour collection if you wish.
If you order a CHVX*N blanket or saddle pad within four weeks of receiving our sample box, the value of the sample box will be credited to your order - and our pretty magnet box will be yours in any case. 🖤